July 31, 2020
We are pleased to announce that we are now open for trial classes!
As a safety precaution, we will require all guests to observe the following rules:
1) No Walk-Ins allowed.
Only those who have signed up for a trial class can be permitted into the premises. You can sign up on the website or contact us via email to request for your trial class.
2) Parents are only allowed into the premises if their child is 6 years old or below.
Exceptions may be allowed on a case by case basis. Otherwise, visitors are strictly not allowed as per our regular classes.
3) Please do Safe Entry Check-in and Temperature Taking
Kindly check-in and out using the Safe Entry QR code. In addition, please sign-in and record your temperature on the visitors log.
To keep our members and staff safe, kindly refrain from attending the trial class should you or your child feel unwell. You can reschedule the trial class by corresponding with us.